
Auf dieser Seite haben wir alle uns bekannten Tests in Print- sowie Online-Magazinen aufgelistet. Wertung und ein Zitat aus dem Fazit sollten auf einem Blick genügend Aufschluß darüber geben, wie Civilization III in der Fachpresse aufgenommen wurde.

Deutsche Reviews

4Players online 90% Der dritte Teil bietet Euch altbewährtes, rundenbasiertes Strategiefutter - und zwar aus der Feinschmeckerabteilung. online 86% Dafür bietet 'Civilization III' mit seinen neuen, sinnvollen Features stundenlangen Spielspass. Andererseits fragt man sich, ob dieses Spiel nicht schon vor drei Jahren hätte erscheinen können, denn Fans von schmucker Grafik und bombastischem Sound sind hier definitiv falsch. Für alle anderen Rundenstrategen ist 'Civilization III' auf jeden Fall einen Kauf wert, die langen Winterabende sind gerettet.
PC-Games print 85% Weltherrscher zu sein macht einfach Laune - auch wenn meine Kollegen angesichts meiner recht imperialistischen Spielweise schon angedeutet haben, eine politische Kandidatur meinerseits auf keinen Fall unterstützen zu wollen.
PCGamesPortal online 90% Das Spiel hat wie alle 4 Vorgänger einen hohen Suchtfaktor und ist etwas für lange Nächte.
Englische Reviews

ActionTrip online 92% Apart from some minor bugs and several strange solutions Civilization III has to offer infinite possibilities and extreme replay value.
AllOutGames online 94% This game will have you up so late, you will wonder if the sounds of the bird chirping are coming from your game, or from outside your window.
AVault online 4/5 For those looking to take their first steps into turn-based strategy, Civilization III is an excellent place to start.
Entertainment Depot online 9/10 Close the blinds and prepare your favorite source of caffeine: those sleepless nights full of "just one more turn" Civilization games are back.
Ferrago UK online 93% Epic, immersive, clever, addictive and ultimately brilliant.
GameOver online 92% In the past week or so I’ve played a dozen games through to their conclusion on various difficulty levels, and no two were the same.
GamePen online 4.5/5 Suffice it to say, Civilization III is a fantastic game, that, while not without it’s small share of problems, will undoubtedly delight old and new fans alike.
Gamespot online 9.2/10 Between its streamlined gameplay and unparalleled pedigree, Civilization III can open strategy gaming to a wider audience and kick off the sort of renaissance that role-playing games enjoyed after the release of Baldur's Gate.
GameSpy online 93/100 The game, like its predecessors, is about addiction. Unfortunately, it does a great job of it. Now, if I could just get some sleep!
GameVisions online 98% Of course I'm proud to nominate Civilization III for the categories of Best Game and Best Strategy in the 2001 Top Pupil Awards!
Gamitopia online 93% Just make sure you are ready for a few days without sleep.
GeekRated online 4.5/5 The just one more turn factor will kill your social life. Crack ain’t got nothing on this baby!
Happy Hippo online 5/5 Just one advice when you buy this game: take a week (or more) off, you won't do anything else but play this!
Invisible Dream online 90% All-in-all Civilization III is a great sequel to an exceptional series.
Joystick101 online n/a Part of what makes this series great is its immense replayability. At first glance, this sequel looks like a worthy successor.
MFO online n/a I would highly recommend this game to anyone but the most ardent haters of turn-based strategy, and even those may be pleasantly surprised.
PC.IGN online 9.3/10 To make a long story short, Civilization III is a worthy heir for the franchise and a definite must have for any strategy gamer who doesn't want us to make fun of them.
Slashdot online n/a's been a long time since I've been pleased with a game like this...
TechTV online 4/5 In the annals of PC gaming, one series stands as a tribute to human strategic achievement, and appropriately that series is called "Civilization."
TFHGaming online 94% Civ III is highly recommended because of its ability to satisfy our rigorous testing and expectations, as well as dishing out tons of lost hours of sleep.
VoodooExtreme online 95% Civilization III is just a flat out brilliant game – it seems the only person who can outdo Sid Meier, is Sid Meier himself.
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